Sunday, August 25, 2013

Not your Typical First Post....

How do you begin the first post on your new blog? I really have no idea. I have so many things I could write about. Some topics I am sure you will get sick of hearing about. (Being a new mommy I tend to be able to talk endlessly about my baby and how perfect I think she is, or about the latest antics of my fur-babies. Basically if you aren't a baby or a pet person then this blog is NOT for you :)) The good news is I don't have to write about them all at once. I am not going to bore you with an introduction of myself, (yet) because you can find the little tidbits I plan on sharing in my profile. Besides if you are reading this, there is a chance you already me from school, church or you are family. Instead, I will begin with something I am newly excited about. I began a new devotional study yesterday. It is one in Beth Moore's Personal Reflection Series titled Jesus: 90 Days with the One and Only. I love Beth Moore's writing. It is both informative and personally real all at once. Having just finished John: 90 Days With the Beloved Disciple (another study in the Personal Reflection Series), I decided to keep going on the series. Funny thing is, it took me 2 years to complete the John study! This is because I only did the lessons in between sessions of the women's bible study group I attend. We will see how long it takes me to complete this one. :) Anyway, that is neither here nor there. 

Why am I so excited to do a study on Jesus? Honestly, it is because I have never actually studied Jesus. For those of you who know me well you are now thinking "WHAT? NO WAY!" But it is true. I have been a believer in the Lord Jesus as my personal savior since I was 7, yet I have never studied him as a person. I have of course been a student of the bible since then. I know the stories of Jesus, of his miracles and his love. Of his great sacrifice. I know and understand many of the character qualities of Jesus that one would normally gather from going to church, reading the bible and having fellowship with other believers. I know Jesus as one would know a life long child hood friend. I love my Jesus with a fervor. Yet, I know there is so much more to know about this friend of mine. 

I can't really say it better than Beth Moore already did in her introduction of Jesus: 90 Days With the One and Only:
"That Son of His (referring to Jesus, God's son) is the dearest thing in my whole life. I don't have pens or paper enough to express my gratitude for the privilege of knowing Him and loving Him. The little I know is so transforming and revolutionary to me that I yearn to know more. My chief request of God is that He will supernaturally flood my life with an unending, ever-increasing desire for His Son. Jesus is not only my delight; He is my safety. Loving Him with absolute abandon is no doubt in my own best interest. As one who has been delivered from a life of defeat and hidden self-destruction, my deepest desire for every man, woman, youth and child is to find that love." 

Paul writes in his letter to the Ephesians, "And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God." (Eph 3:18-19) There will always be more to know and understand about Jesus. I know that I will never know every thing about Jesus. However, my goal with doing this study is that I will simply learn more than I know today. That I will learn to love more than I already do now.

I hope you follow along as I ponder and write about what I am learning. I can't promise I will post every day, because, well, I am a stay at home mommy of a precocious and lovable 9 month old little girl who I have to make sure doesn't hit her head a million times a day as she masters this crawling/standing/trying to walk phase. My goal is to post once a week what I have learned. If you are interested in purchasing the study and going along with me there is the link for them from ChristianBookStore. I own all four, mainly because they are just so pretty to look at. They even have a bit of "gold leafing" that gives them a bit of sparkle. What woman doesn't like pretty things that sparkle? Especially when those pretty things are new books, with new pages and the smell of fresh ink... OK I am off topic. And I just revealed my nerdy side...oops... :)

Blessings Everyone! Until next time!  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yep lil lady, I think your going to be great at this. I like it already and yes I am thinking hey I like pretty things and what better way to learn then to read an interesting and pretty book..and the best part is learning about the good Lord. Yep were nerds...but hey that's awesome I think..LOL Great job lady.


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